
Favorite Finds // Use Today Wisely

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That should be written on my forehead these days. I feel like every day should be an endless sea of possibilities to get things done, to get closer to your goals and to have a happier life. Which is why I hate a day wasted. But, unfortunately, there have been too many of those lately. Or, maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Maybe the things I manage each day are enough. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't view each new day as a new start, a new opportunity, a new chance to make things better.

We had the most beautiful sunny day today, and it filled me with energy I haven't felt a lot lately. I got a lot done, and some promising news (more on that to come). These are the good days.

How is your weekend going?

xo. Hanna


  1. Päikeselised päevad süstivad siinses Eesti ilmastikus ka ikka korralikult energiat. Tüüpilise eestlasena ütlen, et neid võiks ainult rohkem olla :)

    1. Tõsi tõsi! Kuigi siin on õnneks natuke helgem ja valgem, kui Eestis, on siingi praegusel ajal päikeselisi päevi harva. Ootan juba, et millal ükskord tuleb ilus kevade.


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