
One Little Word for the year: Courage

The new year seems more special to me this time than it has in the past. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel that this year is going to be special. Everything is so fresh and new, and it makes me excited for what's to come. We made our goal list together with Rein and I hope it's going to be a family tradition for years to come. I also decided to join the One Little Word™ exercise this year. I've read a lot of great things about it recently, and I just felt I needed to experience it for myself.

At first, I thought it would be hard for me to choose a word, but one little word did pull me harder than the rest. So, my word for 2015 is COURAGE. It's something I need in my life right now. I'm at a point in my life where the only way forward is through overcoming fear and putting myself out there. And that demands a lot of courage.

I want to have courage in my career. At this point I don't have anything to loose. I promise to take on challenges, and crab for opportunities I'm scared of. The worst that can happen is a little disappointment. I think I can live with that. But, the best that can happen is that my dreams will come true. And that perspective sounds amazing to me.

I want to have courage in life. I have some secret dreams that I would love to pursue. So, I'm trying to have more courage and just do what feels right and what I really want. It can only lead to a better, more fulfilling life, right?

It's easy to get sidetracked by fear and self-doubt. Both of those feelings aren't foreign to me, but I will make a conscious effort to move passed them. Most of the boundaries in our life are self-inflicted, so it's time to climb over them and see what's on the outside. I'm really excited to let this one little word lead me through this year and hopefully remind me to take more risks and actively move towards my goals, even if the journey scares me a bit.

Will you join the One Little Word exercise? What is the word that will guide you through this year?

Happy New Year, my friends!
xo. Hanna


  1. I've seen a few people doing a word for this year and mine is similar to yours: Brave, mainly because I need to be a little more brave and stop letting fear get in the way of what I want to do or stopping me from enjoying things.


    1. Brave is a strong and inspiring word. I hope it guides you and encourages you through the year!

  2. Great choice of a theme word :) I thought mine would be simplify...but courage seems to be just as important for me for this year to come. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Simplify sounds great! I mean, don't we all need to simplify our lives? I guess that's the hard part - choosing just one word to focus on.


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