
Words for the Week // No.24

Another week, eh? I've got to tell you, these past couple of days have been rough on me. Somehow, this being unemployed and having all the time in the world doesn't suit me at all. Who would've guessed? I remember dreaming about these kinds of days. Days I could spend crafting and sewing and blogging and taking long walks and reading all my favorite blogs and sipping coffee all the while...

Well, the reality is, I'm not getting anything done. Ok, that's a mild understatement. I'm getting some stuff done, but not nearly as much as I thought I would. And a lot of my time is spent reading through job offers and writing applications in German. Or simply procrastinating and feeling guilty about it.

My initial plan when moving here was to find a job by January. That didn't happen. Then I thought surely I'd have something by February. Well, it's almost the end of January and guess what. Yep, no job in sight. I hate this waiting game. Sending out applications and then just waiting an waiting and waiting. Good things come to those who wait right? I sure hope so.

It's not all bad though. I sound like a regular negative-Nancy right now, but it's just one of those days, you know. I'm really thankful for my amazing husband who's been so supportive through all of this and I know that together we can manage anything.

Every time I write these types of posts, I hesitate a little. On the one hand, I want to keep this a positive place, but on the other hand, I don't want to hide all the rough spots of my life. Because, I think we all have our own struggles, and no-ones life is perfect.  There are good days and bad days. At the end of the day, it's all about just putting one foot before the other and make the most of each moment. Now is all we really have.

My mission for this week is to make every day count. Create every day. Enjoy every day.

What do you want your week to be like?

xo. Hanna


  1. What kind of job you are looking for ?

    1. At this point I'm looking for psychology-related positions, so I could use that degree of mine. But, if that doesn't work out, I'm going to start looking for simpler jobs, maybe in retail.

  2. Ma mõtlesin ka eelmisel aastal, et kui tore on lapsega kodune olla - kõik asjad jõuab ära tehtud. Aga tegelikkuses teen ma rohkem asju siis, kui on ka rohkem kohustusi (või mida aktiivsemaks laps muutub). Ega ilmaasjata öelda, et kes teeb, see jõuab. Ja küll sul see sobivam rütm ka lõpuks taastub :) Mis sorti tööd sa otsid?

    1. Sain juba vastuse oma küsimusele :)

    2. Mulle tundub ka, et mida rohkem mul kohustusi oli, seda rohkem ma jõudsin tehtud. Nüüd lähevad päevad kuidagi omasoodu ja raske on ennast piisavalt aktiveerida, et päeva läheks täie ette. Püüan ennast ikka enam sundida, sest olen märganud, et kui juba hoo sisse saan, siis läheb edasi ka kergemalt.


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