
Introducing // Hanna's Little Book of Nesting

I can't believe I made it through this week. I've been working day and night to finish this e-book, and it's finally here. I'm so excited! 

Putting together this book has definitely been one of the most challenging assignments I've set myself, but it was also one of the most amazing learning experiences, and so rewarding. Seeing this come together was the realization of a goal I've had for a couple of years now. There was never enough time, or resources to make it, but now I think that maybe this idea, along with many others I've had, was just waiting for the right moment.

Maybe it was waiting for our first home, our biggest adventure, our move to unknown territories to help us feel like home here. It seems to me that this was the perfect time to turn this idea into reality, and I'm beyond thrilled to share it with you!

Here's a little sneak peek of some of the projects in the book.
The book includes 10 DIY home decor projects with step by step instructions and lots of pretty pictures of course. Most of the projects don't require any previous crafting skills, so it's doable for a beginner as well. 

All the materials used are easily found in a nearby supermarket, craft store, or hardware store. I've tried to make these projects both budget-friendly, and easy to source.

In addition to the projects, I share ideas and tips to customize each project and play around with different techniques. And, of course, I'll try to motivate and inspire you along the way.

I struggled to price the book. How to you but a price on all that labour of love, right? Ultimately, I wanted this to be something all of you could afford. So I set the price at 9.90$ - that's less than a buck for a project.

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me, and for inspiring me to keep going!



  1. Well how cool is that?? a crafty book, I like it :)

    1. Thank you, Melissa! It's been on my mind for a while now, and making our own little space here in Leverkusen feel like a home was just the push I needed :).

  2. Sa oled nii tubli! Ma jõudsin hetkel ainult läbi sirvida, aga juba kujunesid omad lemmikud välja ning tahaks juba põhjalikumalt lugema asuda. Äge värk!

    1. Laura, sa olid mu esimene tellimus ja suunurgad läksid kohe ülespoole, kui sinu nime nägin. Ma loodan, et raamat on vähemalt sama äge, kui lootsid :)


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