
Restyled Coat Rack

 Ever since I finished the e-book I've been inspired to make even more progress our our apartment. We're still missing a lot of furniture, but it's slowly coming together. I decided it's so much easier to focus on a smaller space - maybe just a corner of a room -  or a specific practical need we have and check that off the list, instead of going for a finished room, which still seems lightyears away. Decorating even a small apartment like ours takes time, especially when you start from scratch. You make progress where you can, right?
I found this simple coat rack in out local supermarket while shopping for supplies for the e-book. It was only 1€, so of course I crabbed it straight away. I thought it would make a cute piece for out entryway. We store most of out outerwear on a bigger clothes rack, but we needed a smaller one to hang our everyday wear and keys.

Since our bedroom and living room are very black and white, I thought I'd make the entryway a bit more colorful. I thought about painting the knobs all different color at first, but I was worried it might rub off with all the hanging. Here's what I did instead:
Supplies used:
1) coat rack
2) masking tape or regular tape
3) screw driver
4) paint (I used wall paint samples)
5) paint brush or foam brush
6) screw hooks
7) gold marker
 First, I unscrewed the knobs to make painting easier. You can paint it with the knobs on, but I think it's a pain in the ass to cover up all those knobs. So, this was easier for me.
I went for a very random geometric pattern. Nothing measured or centered. Just started taping away. In hindsight, a narrower tape would have been better for this, but that's what I had at hand. I always try to use what I have. Plus, I'm lazy, so I hate running to the store for every little project.  
 Then, I painted the sections alternating between the 2 colors. I did two coats of paint. I also tested if there would be any difference between a regular bristled brush and a foam brush, but I didn't notice any major difference in smoothness or coverage. 
After I let the paint dry I removed the tape, and saw that there was a considerable amount of bleed-through. So, the marker was not the initial plan, but I needed to clean off the edges. Masking tape doesn't adhere to wood that well, so maybe using a regular tape might result in cleaner lines.

Another little project crossed off the list. I think I might have to do a IKEA hack e-book to get this apartment to where I want it to be. Just kidding! I think one decor e-book is enough for know. 

Speaking of e-books, I updated the sales page of the nesting book with a lot of extra info, so if you've been on the fence about getting the book, I suggest checking that out. Plus, I decided it's never too early in business to start paying it forward, so I'm going to donate 50% of all proceeds of the book to a non-profit I care deeply about. You can find all the info here.

Is your home ready, or are you still working on it? What's the most frustrating challenge in decorating for you? For me, it's definitely finding furniture we love and can afford.

xo. Hanna


  1. Ma tean nii hästi, mis sa tunned! Me oleme juba nii pikalt oma kodus olnud ja endiselt pole asjad päris paigas. Keskendusin ka alguses pisematele toaosadele ja detailidele ja tegin ka võtmenagi. Great minds think alike või kuidas see oligi :)

    1. Just täpselt! :) Üsna aeglaselt läheb meilgi, sest tahaks ju, et kõik oleks just nii nagu ette kujutad. Aga küll ta ükskord valmis saab.


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