
Weekend DIY Inspiration for Nesters

I don't know what it is about spring, but like birds, every year I start nesting. My head is filled with ideas for our humble abode and all I seem to see in the interweb are beautiful home decor DIYs. 

Remember the tulips I planted a while back? Well, they are growing and I can't wait for them to bloom. It got me thinking about adding even more plants to our home. And what about these adorable succulents in they're cute DIY cups.

I'd love to have more fresh flowers around. Partly because they are pretty, and partly because I just want to make these glitter vases and display them.

...or these adorable painted vases. I like colorful vases, can you tell?

Our apartment is seriously lacking wall art, and it's something I've been meaning to get around to for almost 2 years, but no improvement so far. The idea of a cross-stitched canvas has been haunting me forever. So when I saw these amazing cross-stitched wall art DIYs starting to pop up, I almost squealed. I love love love the huge cross-stitched peg board from Dream a little bigger (pictured above) and this floral mural (pictured below).

I also love this abstract piece from Ink & Adventure. I'm terribly bad at drawing, but this seems like something I could handle.

Oh, I wish I had time to do all of the above this weekend! Unfortunately, spring is always the busiest time of year for me (as you can see from the lack of posting this week), so all that good nesting energy gets pushed back. Before I know it, it's summer and the nesting phase is over. I hope this little inspiration post will remind me to start a nesting project when I have some spare time to DIY. And, I hope it inspire other nesters out there!


  1. Thanks much for including my peg board cross stitch, ladies! Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    1. You're most welcome! I'm seriously in love with it!

  2. Thank you for including my glitter vases! Great roundup!

    1. You're welcome, Laurel! Thanks for posting such a wonderful project!


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