
Weekend Snippets: Spring fling

Beautiful "snowdrops" (Galanthus spp.)

We've had sunny weather all weekend and it's simply wonderful! After 5 months on snow, ice and cold, spring is finally showing itself. It's like seeing the light of day after months of darkness. You can see it on all the faces passing you in the street. People feel alive again. And it's a wonderful feeling!

The next two weeks are going to be incredibly busy, but I have lots of fun refashions and creative projects lined up for you. I used these past two weekends to get as much  sewing done as possible, as I know free time will be scarse for the next month.

A drop of color /Crocus spp
The next time I'm back here in the countryside, it'll be much greener and warmer. I can't wait!

How was your weekend! Has spring reached your nook of the world?


  1. Lovely photos, as usual...although I feel a need to label your flower pix - ya know, just FYI for folks curious...I love the thought of the same flower types blooming all over the world! The first pix of white blooms is of "snowdrops" (Galanthus spp.) and the second shot of purple flowers is, of course, Crocus spp. Glad you have some color showing as you all remain bundled up! We've started cutting the grass (lawn) here now so spring has definitely sprung in Georgia (USA). Have a great week - thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm as far from gardening as one can be, so I didn't know the names in English. Thanks for the info, I'll update it! Learning something new everyday :).
      As far as the temperatures go, it's not been as warm as I'd hoped it would be. I'm so jealous of you, cutting the grass already. It's still looking pretty blah around here, but hopefully we will see more colours in a couple of weeks.
      Have a lovely week!

  2. Well I'd love to learn the flower/plant names in Estonian, too....but your alphabet is so different I'm sure I'd butcher the pronunciation. I'm constantly amazed how easily and smoothly you shift between the two languages depending on your audience. Hope my own remarks weren't too bratty - no need to edit your fine & informative writings. Am just sorta particular about plant names with illustrations - probably why I can't sew very well :( Thanks!

    1. Haha :D Estonian is hard at first, but actually, these flower names are easy: the snowdrops are called "lumikellukesed", and the second one is "krookused" which is pretty close to their latin name. Don't worry about your remarks, I love that you took the time to comment and added a little something extra to the post. Thanks!


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