
Refashionista: Chanel inspired jacket

Today's refashion in inspired by the famous Chanel style jacket. We all now it, it's a classic, and it's always in fashion. It's like pearls - something every women should have in their wardrobe. I must confess that this one did not go into my wardrobe, but was rather just a garment inspired refashion. The jacket is sadly too big for me. But I hope it finds a new owner soon.

This refashion was super easy, although the ribboned lace was a little bit tricky to sew on. Just had to go slow and steady, nothing too complicated. I simply adore the result! It looks so much more sophisticated.

If you'd want to replicate this look, here's how:

Hope you like the refashion and get inspired to try out your own version of the Chanel jacket. I'm definitely on the lookout for a base jacket for another refashion. This time one that fits me. 

Have a great start of the week!


  1. Wow! I am impressed lady!
    I'm having a blog hop right now and you should come get in on some of that love. ;-)

  2. Thanks Jamie! I'll be sure to check it out!


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