
Daily Style: Bubbles

I'm in love with my new bubbly skirt. It's one of those super quick sewing projects you can whip up in a couple of hours. It's the perfect skirt for spring and an instant favorite. The tutorial is coming soon!

Outfit details: 
skirt - made by me
blouse - refashioned
cardigan - hand-me-down
belt  - Tally Wajil
necklace -  vintage


  1. Hey Hanna,
    this looks great. I like the style and the dots!


  2. Super cute! I love the polka dots on the skirt!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Me too, I bought this fabric years ago for the dots :)

  3. Love your Outfits. Iam a sportive jeans and tshirt typ but you look like soooo womanlike ! Lovely skirt .
    Greetings An_Geli_Ka

    1. You're right, I'm the opposite. I can't pull off a simple jeans and t-shirt outfit, although I do like embellished t-shirts. It always has to have a feminine twist.

  4. Adorable!

    Just out of curiosity: are you going to participate in Me-Made-May? In case you didn't heard of it, here's some information: http://sozowhatdoyouknow.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/me-made-may13-sign-up-here.html

    I think it's the best way to get the maximum out of your self-made and refashioned garments and it's challenging as well! I'm going to try it and have lots of fun :) Hope you'll sign up!

    1. I've participated in the past, but I found this type of challenge is not for me. Good luck though on your own challenge!

    2. That sounds surprising to me as this challenge is much like your wardrobe reinvention posts (which I adore!), I guess... I'm gonna participate but I'm not going to take photographs everyday - that would be simply too much. Btw. are there any wardobe reinvention posts on the way? ;)

    3. I can understand your surprise. It's just that the challenge of wearing something me-made every day made into a chore for me, and it wasn't fun anymore. I love wearing things I've made or refashioned, and I do so almost every day anyway, I just like having that freedom of wearing whatever I want. I don't know if that makes any sense. It's like when you're told you can't do something and it makes you want to do it even more.
      I miss putting together the wardrobe reinvention posts, but it's just been so crazy around here. I'm going to make one as soon as I get a free weekend, promise! :)


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