
Sunday Spirit: 10 years of Us

First of all, sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth these past few days. I hadn't been feeling well since New Year's Eve and then I came down with a really nasty cold this week which had me in bed sleeping for 20 hours a day. I'm finally feeling better and pumped to go back to school tomorrow. But my not so little cold is not the main subject of today's post. Because...

...We turned 10! I've been together with this hunk for ten years already. Can you believe it?! We were both very young when we started dating and to our's and our parents' big surprise, we are still together 10 years later.

Our anniversary was on Friday and I had been looking forward to it for a month. But when Friday came around, I was still not well enough to go outside, which meant we had to make the most of that day at home. We had a romantic candlelight dinner and watched a movie and talked. It was so sweet and I loved spending a quiet evening with my love. We promised to do something fun together once I'm back to a 100%.

The past 10 years have gone by so fast, but a lot has happened in both our lives. I think we have both grown as individuals, but also as a couple. Sometimes it makes me laugh when I think about the fights we had 6-7 years ago. I think I've learned to accept him more for who he is rather than wanting constantly to change him. I've also learned to pick my battles and become more patient. Thank you, honey, for teaching me!

Happy Sunday, my friends! Enjoy the time with your loved ones!


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! 10 years, wow...Good for you! Best wishes to the next 10 years and many more! =)


  2. Congrats!!!! Sorry you don't feel super well, but when you do I hope you have a great date night! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Jamie, for the well wishes! I'm almost back to full health and can't wait to plan some fun dates.


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