
Happy New Year! + some plans

Happy New Year to all you awesome P&S readers! I don't know about you, but I've never been big on making resolutions on New Year's Eve. It's not an Estonian tradition and even with all this globalization, the tradition of giving promises you (mostly) can't keep has stayed foreign to me. I do love the opportunity to start over in a sense, but I believe we have to make every day count and if we want to change something in our lives, there's no better time than today. You can make resolutions any time of the year, as long as you follow through.

I do love dreaming about all the surprises that the new year could have in store for me. And being more of a planner by nature, I love cooking up goals and plans for the upcoming months. So, here are some of my plans for the first half of this year:

1. I'd love to be even more creative, so I decided to challenge myself to do a themed week here at the blog every month. That's a full week of projects and posts centered around a certain theme. I'm not sure if I can manage, but I'm going to give it my best.

2. I'd love to create my very first e-course this year. I'm not going to reveal more, because I'm just as terrified as I am excited about it. I do hope I can pull it off. Is there anything you'd love to learn more about?

3. I'd love to better my photography skills. I love taking photos for the blog, but I'm not very good at it, nor at touching them up in photoshop. I'm going to make an effort to learn something new about photography every week.

4. Last, but not least, I'm cooking up a blog design makeover. As much as I love the simple design I've done on this blog, it's time to move on to something bigger and better. Cross your fingers!

Do you have any big plans for the new year? Do share in the comments!


  1. I've got what I hope is an achievable list on my blog - highlights being attempting more organisation and getting better at crochet and dressmaking! There out in public now so hopefully this will give me a continual reminder to get on with them!

    1. Sounds like a great list of goals! I'm hoping the same, that a public list will make me put in the extra effort to actually make it happen. I wish you good luck with your list!

  2. Love these goals. They sound completely do-able. In fact, I may have to steal them for myself!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

    1. They sounded do-able when I listed them, but I'm already having trouble fulfilling one of them. So, se'll see :)


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