
Sunday Spirit: Winter fun

It's been a beautiful and fun weekend. We've had freezing weather all weekend with temperatures reaching -26 degrees Celsius last night. It's cold! Today it was only -10 C, so we thought we'd go skating. Skating is one of the very few sporting activities that I actually enjoy, so it was fun getting my skates out and just going a few rounds. And I feel so good after a bit of exercise and some fresh air. I really should be outside more and find more sporty things that I enjoy. I know I should, but somehow I never do.

What have you been up to this weekend?


  1. I still haven't gone ice skating this year!! AHH! I have to get on it! Thanks for the reminder! Keep warm!


    1. It really was wonderful. Hope you get 'round to it!

  2. -10C! Man that's cold! We just hunkered down at home under mountains of blankets!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

    1. -10C is actually not that cold, especially after -26C. It's perfect ice skating weather!


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