
DIY Wall calendar / chore chart

I've been trying to get more organized this year, and setting up a blog content calendar has been on my to-do list for months now. When I took the Blog Life e-course this June I realized how sporadic I was with my blog content planning and how much blogging-stress it caused me. I have a million ideas in my head at all times, so having a place to put them all on to see the bigger picture was what I badly needed.

So, one afternoon I took some time and some scraps of wavy golden cardboard I had laying around, and made this simple wall calendar. I've been using it for about 3 weeks now, and it's been a game-changer. I'm so much more organized and it's really helped me blog regularly without stressing out about what to write. Why didn't I do this sooner?!
Although I use it to create a content calendar for my blog, this type of wall calendar could also be used as a chore chart, or a way to keep your goals and to-do lists organized. So, if you'd like to make your life a little easier, here's what you'll need:

  • A2 size black paper (card stock weight)
  • golden wavy cardboard for the letters
  • silver or gold sharpie or ball-point marker
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue
  • printed letters (optional)
  • poster gum or other poster fixers to mount to wall

The main thing is to get the grid in place. First, measure the outer lines: 4 cm from the bottom, 3.5 cm from the sides. Then, start drawing the inner gridlines. The first horizontal gridline is 11 cm from the top edge of the cardstock, and then draw a horizontal line every 7 cm. Lastly add vertical gridlines every 9 cm inside the frame. As the end result you should have 6 rows and 7 columns.
Next, cut out the letters for the weekdays. I cut mine out using the waves as a grid and then just eye-baling the proportions of the letters, but you could also print out letters with the height of 6 cm in you favorite bold print and use those a template to cut out from the cardboard.

Finally, glue the letters inside the first row of boxes. I'm used to the Estonian way that the weekly calendar always begins with Monday, so that's why I have my letters in that order.

Last, but not least, mount your brand new calendar to the wall using any type of poster fixer (thumb tacks or poster adhesive or something like that)
This is by far been the most practical thing I've created lately. I tried using google calendar before, but I love to write things down on paper and put it where I can see it all the time. I'm old-school like that. Plus, the calendar is a great way to decorate my studio space (which is now also my bedroom, but studio sounds way better).

I hope you're excited to add some organization to your life. Happy crafting!

xo. Hanna

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  1. This is awesome! I've tried a bunch of methods for editorial calendar, but I didn't really like any. I think this one would work for me much better. :)

    1. There are really so many methods to try, but for me, writing things down, but also having the flexibility to move things around are the key factors.


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