
New challenge // 30 days 30 goals

October's challenge stems purely from my need to get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. With the move to Germany, my increasing work-load, and aspirations in business and singing, I feel it's so important to take more time to organize and plan my daily hour-count, so that everything important is taken care of, but I'm still moving towards my bigger goals.

It's easy to get lost in the everyday hassle and lose sight of what you're really working towards, or just push those big plans further and further into the future. It happens to the best of us. Better time management is a constant learning process, for sure. I'm definitely not the expert here, but I'm working towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

This months challenge is to make a list of 30 goals (big or small) and complete them within 30 days. Sounds daunting, for sure, but the accomplishment would be so rewarding. I have a million things I still need and want to get done before my move to Cologne in mid-November (that's soon!). So I'm setting myself a goal to complete 30 of those things before moving away.

As I'm going to spend 10 days at the end of October in Cologne where I can't complete these goals, my challenge will go on until the 9th of November. I'll share the result on the blog in the next "5 things I learned" post.

I'm posting my list of goals on Instagram tomorrow, so if you'd like to follow along on my journey, just follow me there. Or, if you'd love to join me and share your own journey, use the hashtag #30days30goals

So, what do you say? Are you in?

Let's get shit done! (pardon the language)

xo. Hanna

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  1. 30 goals within 30 days? Sounds good! Let's do it! I'm in!!!!!

    1. Good luck! And, be sure to let me know how you do. :)

  2. I'm in! It will feel great to be able to see what how much I can accomplish within 30 days. Even if these will be tiny goals, it still counts! :)


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