
My Style: Coral and floral

I love pulling out something handmade from my wardrobe. When I started sewing my own clothing about a decade ago, I had a dream of having an all-me-made wardrobe. Although that dream has shifted a bit, and I love having a combination of thrifted, refashioned, and sewn, it's still a wonderful feeling to wear a handmade item. And this pullover top is one of my very favorite items I've made for myself in the last year. 
Wearing // Pullover: made by me // Floral jeans: V&S // Shoes: Jumex // Earrings: made by me
Since our move to Cologne is now certain, I'm faced with the challenge of decreasing my sewing stash to a movable size. Not an easy or pleasant task, I must say. I love all the fabrics I've gathered over the years, and it's going to be tough only taking a fraction of it with me. I still have a lot of this coral lace and jersey in my stash, and since I've already made a maxi dress and a pullover from it, it's one of those fabrics that won't make the cut.

So, I was thinking of making as many pullovers like this one as I can from the left-over fabric and selling them. What do you think? Would anybody be interesting in purchasing one?
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  1. Ma arvan, et see on Sul väga hea idee ja küll need ostjad ka välja ilmuvad! Isegi mind võttis õhkama.
    Ja üldsegi, ma pole enne kirjutanud aga lugenud olen Su blogi juba mitu kuud. Sa oled tõeliselt tubli ja väga hea stiili tunnetusega ja ütlen ausalt, kui ma ei teaks, et Sa oled eestlane siis ma ei arvaks seda ära - lihtsalt Su blogi on nii hästi üles ehitatud ja kirjutad ka hästi. Ehk see oli minu silmis kompliment - nimelt ma ise jälgin suures plaanis inglise keelseid blogisid ja Sinu kirjastiil on nii sujuv ja loomulik, et võiks arvata, et oled ka native speaker.

    1. Tere! Tore on jälle ühe nimetu arvu taha nö nägu panna :). Kõigepealt, suur suur tänu komplimendi eest! Eks võõras keeles kirjutades on ikka hirm, et ehk ei kuku kõige loomulikumalt välja, aga kui piisavalt kaua harjutada (minu puhul siis 4 aastat inglise keeles blogimist), siis tueb juba täitsa usutavalt välja :D. Olen korra katsetanud ka sinu kombel eesti keeles oma mõtteid ja tundeid blogiveergudele valada, aga praegune formaat on mulle kuidagi loomuomasem vist.

      Järgmiste "kohtumisteni"!

  2. Ma arvan ka, et see on tore idee. Ise ilmselt ei ostaks, sest punane pole lihtsalt üldse minu värv :) Aga kui sa tahad kunagi osa kangaid ka lihtsalt maha müüa, siis olen esimesena platsis :D

  3. The coral pullover is very lovely! I'm not in the spot to allow myself anything new at the moment, but I fail to see why it couldn't be a best-seller. I too like mixing new & old, cheap & expensive, hand-made & and made in China. This way each item feels so much more special as it contrasts with others.

    Anyway, it has been lovely to stumble upon this little corner of the internet!

    1. Thank you for your oppinion, I appreciate it! I'm glad you stumbled my way :).

  4. Unfortunately I'd want a blue version! Which defeats your destashing journey. I suppose you could try selling some of the fabric you no longer want?

    I am super excited for you guys in your adventure, and I look forwards to hearing more about it - ie your new place etc

    1. Ha, yes, no blue fabric of this kind in my stash, unfortunately. I thought about selling some of the fabrics, but it's so hard to even think about departing with one of them. I'm a crazy fabric lady, what can I say :D. Although, in all seriousness, I need to consider it, because I don't know when or if I'll be able to smuggle all of them to Germany.

  5. Replies
    1. Hanna, kui sul tõsine huvi on, siis kirjuta mulle oma soovist facebookis ja räägime edasi :).

  6. I'd buy one - just cuz you made it! :) Coral is not exactly my colour, but I can always make a gift of it to one of my sisters.....that is if the shipping to USA isn't too dear. I think if you made several different ones with different fabrics that you're trying to unload (print, solid, floral, etc)....then folks would appreciate a "choice" in the pullover and more would probably sell, too - sort of like tote bags - people like an assortment from which to select. Or am I missing the point? Is the coral fabric all you wish to work with? Anyway, the design is cool (starburst thingie on the front) and it seems to transition well from summer to fall, or spring to summer. Here in the south, though, we tend to wear all colors, all fabrics, all year long. Anyway, packing is an awful chore no matter what your hobbies are! Good luck downsizing!

    ciao bella - Martha

    1. Martha, you are too sweet. I've been toying with the idea of sewing up a storm in the next 2 months and then selling what I can, but I'm afraid that in the end I'll just end up with a bunch of pullovers and nowhere to put them. But, I'll give it some more thought. I don't have a lot of pullover suitable jersey in my stash, so making a lot of variety is going to be difficult. And buying new fabric defeats the purpose. All in all, just need to come up with a game plan, is all :).

      xo Hanna

  7. oh wow!!! I am LOVING those jeans. I like coral too, good work.


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