
Sunday Spirit: My second home

If one can have two homes, then this is my second. Or, perhaps, it is my first. It's the first place in my life that truly felt like home. It's where I felt a sense of peace. And content. Even as a little child, when I wasn't able to put into words how this place made me feel, I knew it was special.

It's my Grandparents' house in the South of Estonia. Maybe it's special because I spent the best part of my summers there with my cousins. Or maybe because we always gather there with my uncle's family and cousins for family celebrations. Or maybe, it's because it's where my Grandma lives. She is truly an inspirational person. She is the one who brings us together. It's her warmth and love that makes this place so special. Makes it feel like home.

Funny, how an imminent move to another country can make you think about these things. Home. Family. The things that matter in life. I sure hope that being further away will not make us grow apart.

Do you have a special place in your life?

xo. Hanna

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  1. I have very strong memories of my grandma's house from when I was little, unfortunately she's no longer with us I still think of her house and how lovely it was :-) it's very sad when things end, but you're just moving, you can come back later :-)

    1. I guess Grandmas have the ability to make us feel safe and happy, and to bring the family together. I know it's just moving, but I loved being just a few hour car-ride away. Now it'll be a few hours by plane and then by car, but I'll try my best to visit as often as possible.

  2. Funny, my grand-ma's house is where I feel most at home too. I've traveled a lot, lived in other countries as well, and I can tell you, that feeling never goes away. ...and your family is always there. :)

    1. That feeling, knowing that your family is always there for you, is what makes this move so much easier. I always know that I have a safety net to fall into.

  3. Looks beautiful!
    My grandparents' homes always seemed magical when I was a little girl ...

    1. Lucky to have such great grandparents, aren't we :)


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