
Moments lately

I'm half way through my 30-day phone photograpahy challenge, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite moments from the past 2 weeks.
(from left to right)
Mornings with my hubby
Sewing in my zone
Signs of autumn
Home, sweet home
Celebrating a life-altering day
Car rides with best friends
Sunsets and sundays

It's been a real challenge and a learning experience so far. I've been getting better at taking photos with my phone, but I still suck at remembering to take it out at those memory-worthy moments. And, I missed one day because my phone battery was dead.

Have you been taking part of the challenge? If so, how are you doing so far?

Thanks for stopping by! // xo Hanna

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  1. Sa võid asja vaadata ka teise nurga alt - ainsad hetked, mil me pidavat päriselt KOHAL olema, on need, mil me ei taipa pilte teha ;)

    1. See on küll õige, jah. Olen isegi sellele mõelnud, et mõneti on see ka hea, et ma ei taipa igal hetkel kohe kaamera järele haarata. Samas, takkajärgi on jällegi kahju, et näed, sellest või sellest üritusest polegi ühtki pilti. Aga ma ilmselt elan pigem täiega, kui et kaotan osa hetke särast mõnda esemesse.


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