
My Style: I guess it's autumn

Wearing // Everything but the jeans (local supermarket find) is thrifted. 
Well, I can't deny it any longer, it's autumn alright. While it seems that everyone else in the blogosphere is rejoicing the arrival of the colder season, I must admit I've never been a fan on autumn. In fact, it's my least favorite season. I've always been a summer girl, and while I do love the colorful leaves of autumn, I hate when the days get shorter and sunlight gets dimmer, and all I have to look forward to are grimmer and grimmer days until it's borderline polar night around here. And then it's another 6 months until we have that special season of long days and smooth summer nights.

Ok, that sounded so depressing, but I hope you can forgive this summer girl this autumn lament. Every year I promise I'll find more joy in the autumn months, and I'm definitely going to try this year as well. Maybe then, eventually, I'll grow to like autumn. At least a little.

For now, I'm happy we still have weather warm enough to wear just a light jacket.

xo Hanna

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  1. I completely agree about autumn. I love the beautiful leaves, but once they've changed colour it takes all of two weeks for them to be on the ground, and then everything is grey for many long months. Needless to say I'm a summer girl too, and it's not helping that our summers have been short and cool over the last couple of years. Well, I'm done complaining, but it's nice to know that someone understands. :p
    Despite the cooler temperatures, I have to say that you put a nice autumn outfit together, and it's inspiring to see what beautiful pieces you can find thrifting.

    1. I completely understand! Summer simply is the best, isn't it? :)
      As for thrifting, I'm convinced you can put together a very stylish wardrobe just with thrifting. I think at least 80% of my wardrobe consists of thrifted pieces (or refashioned).

  2. I have been so jealous of everyone's spring and summer for the last 6months and finally its spring here in Australia! Autumn can be one of the most beautiful seasons with the changing of the leaves, but I understand the whole COLD!

    You look gorgeous with your outfit, I always feel not put together when it gets cold - in summer you don't need to try so hard! Or at least I don't :-)

    1. Now I'm jealous of you! I do agree with you, it's much simpler to get dressed and have a proper outfit in the summer, instead of just having layer upon layers upon layers of clothing, which can happen during these harsh winter's around here.


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