
Sunday Spirit: My story

Making a wish on my 25th Birthday (and lighting my hair on fire)

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far. Mine has been pretty interesting to say the least. I had all sorts of plans for this weekend, but that all changed on Thursday when I decided to audition for the new student program at the Estonian National Opera. So, instead of having a quite creative weekend, it has been filled with preparations and singing and a little bit of anxiety. 

I rarely talk about my singing studies here at Pearls & Scissors, but I thought I'd share a piece of that story with you today. The first point on my about page says "I'm 25 and still a student". I think that sentence actually says a lot about me. I'm still learning, I'm still fighting to fulfill my dreams, and my age is not going to stop me. 

I always dreamed of becoming a famous singer when I was a child. I used to imagine being discovered and then becoming an international superstar (lol). I guess many of us have those fantasies as a child. I gave up on my dream as a teenager struggling with performance anxiety. At that time I thought it was a part of myself I couldn't change, and that becoming a singer was simply not meant to be. I also thought that since nobody had discovered me and supported my singing, I wasn't that talented in the first place. And that was that. 

I focused on my academic studies and went to study psychology after high school. Nothing interested me in the way singing had done once, but I had to choose something and psychology sounded interesting enough. In hindsight, I think it was the best decision I could have made, because psychology is what  helped me to deal with my anxiety and rekindled that old dream of becoming a singer. So, in the middle of my Master's studies I decided to make a U-turn and start all over again studying classical singing. 

At first my parents thought it was some kind of time filling plan until I complete my psychology studies (I had only the thesis to write), and my relatives kept asking what I wanted to do after I got my diploma. I guess they thought that this was just a hobby. But over the course of the past school year everybody has started to take my dream more seriously. I got my psychology diploma, but my journey to my dream has only just begun. The past year has been the most emotional, scary, happy and fulfilling time of my life. I don't know if I have what it takes or if I'm ever going to sing on a big stage, but I'm sure as hell going to try. 

Do you have a dream your striving to fulfill? Have you ever second guessed yourself or thought about giving up? I'd love to hear your story!


  1. That's really great that you've decided to fight for your dreams! (Fingers crossed :D )
    I wish I had so much courage...

    1. Thank you! You only have one life, so why not go after everything you want? :)

  2. Replies
    1. Anna andeks, Kärdu, ma ei ole nii pop ja noortepärane, te ma sellest aru saaks..

    2. Aga google aitas mind ;). Nii ta on!

    3. Ära muretse, ka mina ei teadnud ikka hääästi pikka aega, mida see tähendab.
      Aga mul on hea meel, et sa laulad. Ja selle üle on mul ka hea meel, et su juuksed päris ära ei põlenud.


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