
DIY: Skirt to tote bag

You know I love nothing more than to give and old unused garment a new life. So, you can understand my excitement about this project. The idea came to me I think on the same day as the sleeve socks. It must have been a creative day!

This project is so simple and so quick, not to mention practical. I have a few more skirts that could be utilized this way and you can never have enough tote bags. They are perfect for grocery shopping, and their environmental friendly as well. A win-win situation if you ask me :)!

1. Cut off the hem of the skirt and if there are any slits, sew them closed.
2. Pin the bottom of the skirt together on the wrong side and sew the bottom shut. Use a serger/overlocker or a zig-zag stitch to stop the edges from fraying.
3. Match the side seam and the bottom seam at the corners and pin. Now sew horizontally between the pins (as indicated by the pink line). This will determine the width of the bottom of your bag, so just find the spot were the "pink line" will measure your desired width.
4. I used the hem as my handles. I just cut two strips in my desired handle length plus sewing allowance . You could also use an old belt or some other fabric as your handles. Pin and sew the handles in place.

Now, isn't this super easy? You'll have an eco-friendly shopping bag within half an hour tops.

On a side note, I had a fantastic thrifting spree today. I haven't shopped so much in ages. My friend Ann showed me this incredibly cheap and amazingly stocked thrift store right in the center of the city. I couldn't even believe the treasures we found. Hopefully I can share soon!


  1. I'm headed to the thrift shop to get me a skirt.

    1. Haha! Chances are you already have something suitable in your stash. So, stash busting first, you might save a few bucks ;).


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