
Pearls are a girls best friends

I know it's diamonds, but pearls are on the second place, right? I love pearls (shocker, I know)! I don't know about you, but my Mother always says a grown women should have a pearl necklace. It's a symbol of an elegant mature women. So, naturally, when my teacher's big birthday came up last month I turned to pearls.

I knew I wanted to give her something I made myself and I also knew I wanted it to be something special. I went through my stash and found a handful of fresh water pearls. Just enough to create this three strand necklace. I had a bit of trouble getting the length just right for every strand, but in the end it turned out beautifully. And she seemed to like it. And that's the main thing.

It's funny how I've totally rediscovered jewelry making recently. The more I create, the more ideas I have. I'm sure you'll see more jewelry projects here on the blog as well in the future.

How about you - are you a diamonds or a pearls kind of girl?


  1. I think diamonds and pearls each have their own place in the jewelry box, but since my birthstone is apparently pearl, I'll go with that for now! :P I have to say that the necklace turned out beautiful; it's so thoughtful of you to make a gift for your teacher.

    I definitely agree with what you said about having more ideas....I find that the more I immerse myself in a subject, the more ideas I have, even when I don't have enough time to put them into practice (and so it becomes a never-ending "to-do"list - but the fun kind). I guess that is how passions are born and kept alive. :)

    Wishing you a great week ahead!

    1. I totally agree with you Ana, it's the same with me. I have a whole notebook for my crafting to-do list.

      For a singer, the teacher is everything, and having a good teacher is the only way to fulfill your dreams as a singer. I have a wonderful teacher and just wanted to let her know I really appreciate her.

      Have a creative day!

  2. That necklace is stunning!! What a loving & creative gift for your instructor - what a wonderful way to show appreciation - from your heart and soul. You took something traditional (PEARLS) and turned it contemporary (3-strand wire)! And of course, it's one of a kind, so that's a big plus - in my opinion. As for choosing pearls or diamonds - I go for pearls around my neck and hanging from my lobes - but it's definitely diamonds on the fingers!! Each to her own :)

    1. I love the last sentence! Well said, Martha!


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