
DIY Recycled Pencil Holder

I think I'm going through a nesting fase at the moment. I've put up curtains, moved furniture around, organized, bought fabric for pillows and made little useful accessories for our home. And this recycled pencil holder is one of those little projects. I was cleaning out my sewing studio, and realized it needs some pretty organizers.

The best part is, that I didn't buy any new supplies for this project, I found everything I needed in my stash. And it's very eco, since I recycled a couple of Pringles packages in the process.

Here's how to do it:

Part I

1. For the first part of the process, you'll need

  • Pringles cans, 
  • a rotary cutter/knife/scissors, 
  • ruler and pen, 
  • old newspapers,
  • decorative spray or spray paint in the color of your choice
2. Mark the cutting line with a ruler and a pen. Just measure how high you want your pencil holder to be and mark that hight all around. Now use a rotary cutter, a knife or scissors to cut the top part off along the marked line.
3. Prep for spraying by stuffing the cilinders full of newspaper and laying a paper down to protect your floors from the paint. 
4. Spray paint the cilinders. I did two coats of paint, and added one coat of hairspray to make the paint shine.

Part II

1. Once the cans have fully tried, it's time to decorate. I use some lace and ribbon scraps I had left from previous projects.
2. I glued the lace to the can with superglue, adding a dip of glue every couple of inches along the lace and gently pushing the lace to the cilinder.
3. Make sure the ends of the lace overlap slightly and then glue the ends together.
4. I added some ribbon to the edge of one of the cilinders, and lace to the other. 

I love my new pencil holders! And I'm so glad to finally start organizing my studio better. I've always thought a pretty place helps creativity along, so I hoping making my studio prettier will give me a better creative vibe.

Happy crafting, my friends!


  1. Very Cute! what a great way to recycle, thanks for the tutorial!

    1. Thank you! Recycled projects are so much more fulfilling, aren't they? Happy recycling!


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