
Refashionista: Ombre dye dress

This white dress did a full round. It was given to me by Tamar's middle sister Marita. She had ordered it somewhere but didn't like the way it looked on her. I didn't quit fancy its looks myself. So it stood in my to refashion pile for a couple of years. Finally, a lightbulb went on in my head this summer when I was planning to dye some things. Dyeing seemed to be the perfect solution for this dress. This just shows that sometimes you have to wait for the right idea, even if it takes years. The funny thing is, that although I really liked the refashioned dress I felt I have outgrown its style. So, I gave it to Marita's little sister, the lovely young lady modeling it.

I love the dress on her. Pink is so her color. What do you think? Love it or not so much? Have you tried dyeing already? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Love it! and up to where you dyed it is perfect. Haven't tried yet :(

    1. Thanks, Vale! Do try it, if you get the chance. I'm completely hooked :).

  2. I love dying! It really refreshes old pieces, I think. I recently dyed a favorite, comfy button-up a lovely blue-gray to cover up some mildew stains. My craftiness helps make up for my utter lack of domestic skills! I haven't braved the ombre-look, yet. I'm worried I'm not an attentive enough dye-er to do it successfully, and I hate a ruined project!

    I'm loving your blog, too! You have given me many great ideas to put to use in the future!

    1. I completely agree with you! Dyeing is such a simple procedure, but can make a huge difference. I was a little bit afraid of the ombre look myself, but it was very simple actually, no extra attention needed. I just dipped the dress in the dye up to the seem and then pulled it up and down dipping it less and less each time, finally holding the lowest part of the dress in the dye for a few minutes. Piece of cake!


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