
Sunday Spirit: The old and familiar places

This week has been all about vacation and visiting the old and familiar places. We spent three days at my Grandmother's and visited Tamar's great aunt at the beginning of the week. I scored a lot of new fabric and a few vintage pieces. Tamar was rolling his eyes at all the stuff I gathered from our trip. My grandmother has things stashed away you wouldn't believe. I'll share even more in coming posts. But today, I'll share some snippets from our week.

at Tamar's great aunt. Love the clock.

She still uses this radio.

Vintage badges at my Grandma's, which have hung on this curtain all my life.

This is how he sleeps when I'm gone. I'm easy to replace apparently.

Vintage shoes. They're mine now!

My Grandma bought these for my Mom more than 30 years ago. They're awesome and now they're mine.


  1. Väga ägedad kingad! Ma armastan kolada pööningutel, aga meie peres on kahjuks aegade jooksul enamike asjade puhul hoolitsetud, et need kuskile aastakümneteks seisma ei jääks :)

    1. See on muidugi kiiduväärt, et see teil õnnestunud on. Vanaema kappides tuulamine on olnud üks minu lemmiktegevusi juba lapsepõlvest saati. Seda hämmastavam on, et ma sealt ikka ja jälle midagi uut leian.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Nii lahe! Kogu su blogi on nii lahe! Sa oled nii lahe! :)


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