
Wardrobe Reinvention: 1 skirt 6 ways

It's time for another installment of "Wardrobe reinvention". Last week I wrote about switching style by incorporating the same item into 2 totally different styles. This week I'm kicking it up a notch. I often get stuck into pairing together the same garments over and over again. I find a good combination and stick with it rather than exploring new and exciting combos. So, I set myself the challenge of putting together 6 outfits using the same skirt in every one of them. To make it even more challenging, I chose a skirt that I've worn only a couple of times since I bought it from a thrift store.

The skirt can be worn both as a skirt AND a dress and in the first outfit I used it as a dress, added a belt (from Tally Weijl), a necklace (thrifted), earrings and heels. Ready for a few cocktails!

A more casual look with me-made earrings, blouse (H&M) and belted (thrifted) skirt and heels.

Another dress version, this time paired with a white cardigan (H&M) and cowboy boots (a gift from my Dad).

It's easy to create new looks with layers. Underneath the sheer blouse (warehouse sale, H&M) the skirt pulled up like a dress still looks like a skirt (that sounds complicated). A wide belt (made by me) to define the waistline and some sassy heels (from my Mom's youth) and ever so long earrings (made by me) and I'm ready for a night out.

I love this look! The green dress is perfect with the pink sweater (refashioned by me). It's not too formal and not too casual, just right for me.

This look is the most casual and could possibly be my favorite. I could see myself wearing this to school, so I'm sure this combination will get worn again real soon. I used the skirt as a dress, layered with a crochet vest (given to me by a girlfriend) and leggings (H&M) that are so necessary in the fall + peep-toe flats (thrifted), belt bracelet (Tally Weijl) and earrings.


  1. Hanna, that top in the second top photos is ridiculously pretty! I am officially stalking it. Is it Estonian?

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

  2. Oops... would have been helpful to read the post before getting excited - my bad!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

    1. No worries :) I got in on sale for 5€, so I'm not sure they carry it anymore.

  3. How fun! It's always nice to be able to wear a piece of clothing different ways.


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